Welcome to Cke1st's site, one of a dying breed of personal websites where the content is "all original, all downloadable, all free."
- The "Family" tabs are where you'll find information about me and about the site.
- "The Trains" is all about my model-railroading hobby, including my small-trackplans page that has drawn comments from all over the world.
- "Wargames" is about my other big hobby, game design; you'll find complete downloadable games on every theme from ancients to science fiction, as well as a few of my painted miniatures and a full page on Pirates of the Spanish Main.
- "Mike's Stuff" is a catch-all for my other creations, including (but not limited to) home-made humor, Christian song parodies, sermons I've preached, and my albums of submarine songs.
- "Heaven?" is about how to get there, and why it's a good idea. Actually, you'll find Christ all over my site; He permeates my entire existence, including my hobbies and interests.
Feel free to look around the site. I add new stuff from time to time, depending on where my creative urges lead me. There aren't any links back to this page, but that's no problem — my home-made tabbed interface lets you go from any page of content to any other page in two clicks or less. If you have comments or questions, every page has an e-mail link in the upper right corner, and I try to answer every mail I get.